1st – 6th Grade Program
Students entering grades 1-6
Cost: $50 per child (including T-shirt)
Highlights include: 11:15am daily Mass (parents welcome to attend), outdoor recess, silly skits, Wednesday potluck dinner for all, Friday water fight.
- Your child will need to bring a refillable water bottle.
- On the first day, each child will need to bring an individually packed snack to share. Example would be a package for an 8 to 10 person serving. If your child has a peanut allergy or is on a gluten-free diet, please bring a snack that is peanut free and/or gluten free to share.
- Ways to Volunteer, click here.
- Any questions or concerns, please contact Theresa at tstorto@stjamesah.org
7th – 12th Grade Program
Students entering grades 7-12
Cost: $20 per youth (includes T-shirt)
Highlights include: New friends, fun games, an evening of Adoration with our Lord, conversations about how to live out faith in high school and college, Wednesday potluck dinner for all, Thursday night social.
Your teen will need to bring a refillable water bottle.
On the first day, each teen will need to bring an individually packed snack to share. Example would be a package for an 8 to 10 person serving. If your child has a peanut allergy or is on a gluten-free diet, please bring a snack that is peanut free and/or gluten free to share.
Ways to Volunteer, click here.
Any questions or concerns, please contact Theresa at tstorto@stjamesah.org