Marriage for Christians is a sacramental celebration that serves as a sign of God’s love and fidelity for us. St. James is happy to assist you in planning this special day and sacrament.
Contact the Parish office to learn more about how you can celebrate your wedding at St. James. Flo will explain the process of preparing for Christian marriage, and assist you in selecting a date for your wedding liturgy.
Flo Trunk
[email protected]
[email protected]
Preparing for your marriage and wedding happens simultaneously at St. James. Couples planning to marry at St. James are required to complete several things prior to their wedding.
Catholic Couples Check Up
This program enables engaged couples to answer a series of relationship questions before their wedding date to help better understand their strengths and weaknesses. The engaged couple can take the survey at home, and will receive and review the results with their presider and a trained facilitator couple from the parish.
The Pre-Cana program is for engaged couples planning to be married in the Catholic Church. A day-long encounter is created to enable the couple to have an opportunity to honestly discuss one another’s strengths and weaknesses, including family living, communication, finances, Christian sexuality, the Sacrament of Matrimony, and their role in the Church and society.
If you have questions, please contact the Priest or Deacon assisting with your marriage preparation.
Celebrate the sacrament of marriage in a ceremony filled with music, family, friends, and the rich tradition of the Catholic faith.