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Life Teen
Being Disciples and Making Disciples of Teens
Grades 9-12

When does Life Teen meet?

Sunday night after 5 p.m. Mass
The Laramie Room (Church Basement)

What to Expect

Each Life Night will follow this typical format:

GATHER: Join for ice breakers, Jimmy Fallon-type games, and dinner.

PROCLAIM: 8-10 minute talk given by an adult relating some aspect of the faith to the teens and their lives.

BREAK: 40-50 minute small group time to digest and apply the theme of the night to their lives. Teens will have the opportunity to go deeper into the gospel message, dive into scripture with their group, and freely ask questions. These groups stay together for the entire year, allowing the students to grow together in Christ centered friendships.

SEND: After Break, the teens will come back together and do a form of prayer to close out the night (Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Praise and Worship, Intercessory Prayer etc.) The hope is at the end of a year, teens will have been introduced to at least 20 different ways to pray and will connect with one of these ways to pray to personalize their relationship with Jesus.

How can I register for Life Teen?

1. Register for Life Teen
Parishioners can register their children for Life Teen HERE!

2. Attend Life Teen
Life Teen meets on Sunday night after 5 p.m. Mass in The Laramie Room (Church Basement).

3. Grow in the Faith
Your teen will build friendships and grow in faith alongside their peers.
For more information on Life Teen please reach out to Christina Hudson and follow @stjameslt on Instagram to stay connected.

Christina Hudson
Director of Youth Ministry

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