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Is Jesus another Buddha, Mohammed, or Krishna?

Jesus Christ Series

Discover the unique identity of Jesus in our two-night presentation series. Explore the question, “Is Jesus another Buddha, Mohammed, or Krishna?” and learn about Jesus as both God and Human. Join us on October 7th and 14th from 6:00 to 7:30 pm for insightful talks with Fr. Paul. Don’t miss this opportunity to unravel the mysteries of faith and experience an enlightening journey into the heart of Christianity!

Series Schedule and Topics
October 7
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Topics Discussed | Jesus is not just another teacher, guru, or prophet. He is our savior, the God-man: man needed to be saved, but only God could save us. We will explore how Jesus is: truly God and man without being a demi-god; not God pretending to be human; and not a human who later becomes “a” god.
October 14
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Topics Discussed | God has always been the Trinity. Jesus is the Son; not the Father and not the Holy Spirit. Jesus is one person who exists two different ways at the same time: as God and as man. We will explore how Jesus: is a divine person but has a human personality; has the divine mind and a human mind without being schizophrenic; has the divine will and a human will without being conflicted and torn.
Each evening will be in the Laramie Room
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