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Path To Sunday

First Sunday of Lent

Luke 4:4

One does not live by bread alone.

Readings for Sunday: Deuteronomy, Romans, Luke


It may shock us, but Jesus was tempted, even though he was God. Of course, he never sinned, which shows us that temptation itself is not a sin. We can be tempted and choose not to sin. While Jesus is fully God, he is also fully human. He had a human soul and body. He had a human mind and will, as well as the divine mind and will. Thus, it means that it was possible for Jesus, in his humanity, to be tempted, and his resistance to it teaches us.

Satan’s temptation of Jesus was tri partite. In suggesting that Jesus turn stones into bread after his forty day fast, Satan was tempting him to use his power for self-satisfaction rather than serving others. Jesus rejected being a self-serving, earthly Messiah. In suggesting that Jesus bow before him in exchange for worldly power, Satan was tempting Jesus to abandon his heavenly kingdom for an earthly one.

And finally, in suggesting that Jesus throw himself down from the parapet of the temple – so that God will send angels to save him – Satan is tempting Jesus to pride. Jesus came to give his life to save humanity in humble obedience to the Father.

Like Jesus, we can be tempted to satiate our desires, make our earthly life our highest goal, and live a prideful life – thinking that life revolves around us, rather than our life around God. Yet, we can be like Jesus, rejecting temptation and seeking to live according to the Father’s plan. This Lent, our practices of prayer, fasting and almsgiving should help us to grow in holiness, becoming more like Christ as we seek first and foremost the kingdom of God.

Reflection Questions

  • In your prayer ask: How better can I look to Jesus as the model for my life? How can his resistance of temptation help me resist in my life?
  • Reflect on this: With what does Satan tempt me in my life?  Is it worldly success or pleasure? Is it acclaim from other people and popularity?
  • Consider in quiet reflection: In what ways do I fail to make holiness, the authentic love of God and neighbor, the ultimate goal of my life?
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