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Mark Jacks

Baptism of the Lord

Luke 3:22

You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.

Readings for Sunday: Isaiah, Titus, Luke


“Have you been saved?” This question invites us to reflect on the profound gift of baptism. For Catholics, salvation begins there, as St. Paul reminds us: “When the kindness and generous love of God our savior appeared, not because of any righteous deeds we had done but because of his mercy, He saved us through the bath of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit” (Titus 3:5-6). Jesus’ own baptism might seem puzzling.

Why would the sinless Son of God receive a baptism for repentance? The answer lies in “recapitulation”—Jesus taking on our broken humanity to restore and renew it. By entering the waters, He sanctified them, imparting the power to cleanse us and unite us to His death and resurrection. His baptism marked the start of His public ministry and His journey toward the Cross.

For us, baptism is the start of a lifelong journey of faith. In that moment, we are adopted by the Father, united to Christ, and filled with the Holy Spirit. But salvation isn’t a one-time event—it’s a relationship that grows through prayer, Mass, Scripture, and acts of love. As St. Paul reminds us, our lives now belong to Christ, who purchased us at a price. Living out our baptism means choosing daily to grow in holiness and love, to see our lives as belonging to God, and to walk the path of faith toward eternal life with Him.

Reflection Questions

  • In your prayer, ask: How have I embraced my baptismal call to live as a disciple of Christ, and where might God be inviting me to grow deeper in faith and love?
  • Reflect on this: Jesus stood in solidarity with sinners through His baptism, though He was without sin. How does His example inspire me to stand with and serve others in their struggles?
  • Consider in quiet reflection: Do I truly see my life as belonging to Christ, and how can I live more intentionally as His follower in my daily choices and relationships?


Matthew 2:11

They prostrated themselves and did him homage.

Readings for Sunday: Isaiah, Ephesians, Matthew


The story of King Herod and the Magi in Matthew 2:1-12 offers a profound reflection on God’s providence, the universality of Jesus’ mission, and our personal journey of faith. Herod the Great, a ruler with no Jewish heritage, symbolizes political power and cruelty. In response to the Magi’s search for the newborn King, he orders the massacre of infants in Bethlehem. The Magi, priestly figures from the East, follow a star to find Jesus, bringing gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. These gifts symbolize His kingship, divinity, and future death, inviting us to reflect on what we offer to Christ in our own lives.

The Gospel reveals three key lessons for us. First, God’s providence is at work in history, guiding people and events to fulfill His plan. While humans make choices, God arranges circumstances for His ultimate purpose.

The Magi, led by a star, are directed to Jesus, fulfilling prophecy. Second, the Magi were non-Jews, showing that Jesus came to save all people, not just the Jews. Their visit reflects the Epiphany, the manifestation of Jesus as the Savior of the world. Lastly, like the Magi, we are called to seek Jesus with dedication, offering our best, whether in time, gifts, or service. Following Jesus means being willing to change and align our lives with His teachings, allowing Him to transform us. This journey of seeking, offering, and transforming is at the heart of our spiritual walk with Christ.

Reflection Questions

  • In your prayer, ask: How am I being called to seek Jesus in my daily life, and what gifts of time, talent, or treasure am I offering to Him?
  • Reflect on this: How does the story of the Magi’s journey challenge me to trust in God’s providence, even when I don’t understand the full picture or path ahead?
  • Consider in quiet reflection: Like the Magi, how might I be called to step out of my comfort zone or change my beliefs to align more closely with Jesus’ teachings and His mission for the world?

Feast of the Holy Family

Luke 2:49

Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house?

Readings for Sunday: Sirach, Colossians, Luke


In today’s Gospel, we encounter a rare glimpse into Jesus’ childhood, offering us a profound reflection on both His humanity and divinity. At twelve years old, Jesus stays behind in Jerusalem, engaging with the teachers in the temple. When Mary and Joseph return to find Him, they are understandably confused and anxious. But Jesus responds, “Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house?” This statement reveals His deep understanding of His divine identity—He is the Son of God, with a special relationship to the Father.

This passage highlights the reality that Jesus, though fully divine, was also fully human. He grew in wisdom, age, and favor before God and man, just like any other child. He wasn’t performing miracles or showing off His divine powers; rather, He was simply a young boy learning and growing, living a life free from sin.

His humanity was not a façade; He experienced real childhood, with moments of wonder, growth, and confusion, just as we do.

At the same time, this story hints at something greater—Jesus’ divine mission. The three days spent searching for Him may symbolize His future death and resurrection, pointing to the ultimate mission He would fulfill. Jesus’ identity as both God and man invites us to reflect on His deep understanding of our human struggles. He truly knows us because He lived as one of us, yet He is also the Savior who offers us salvation.

Reflection Questions

  • In your prayer, ask: How does knowing that Jesus experienced childhood and grew in wisdom like I do help me understand His compassion for my own struggles and growth?
  • Reflect on this: Jesus knew His identity as the Son of God even as a child. How can I grow in my own understanding of my identity as a child of God?
  • Consider in quiet reflection: What does it mean for me to seek “my Father’s house” in the midst of my daily life, and how can I cultivate a deeper relationship with God through my actions?

Fourth Sunday of Advent

Luke 1:42

Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb.

Readings for Sunday: Micah, Hebrews, Luke


Ever wonder why we Catholics honor Mary? You can find the answer in this Sunday’s Gospel reading, which comes from Luke 1:39-45. In the verses immediately preceding this passage (Luke 1:26-38), we hear how the Archangel Gabriel announced to Mary that she would conceive and bear a son. Gabriel also informed Mary that her cousin Elizabeth had conceived a child in her old age. With the Christ child in her womb, Mary sets off to visit her cousin.

When Mary arrives at Elizabeth’s house, Elizabeth, “filled with the Holy Spirit,” exclaims: “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb. And how does this happen to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?”

While Jesus is clearly present (in Mary’s womb), Elizabeth, inspired by the Holy Spirit, honors Mary. This honor is not in opposition to or competition with Jesus; rather, Elizabeth honors Mary because of her unique relationship with her Son.

And so it is with us. When we pray the Hail Mary, we are simply quoting scripture: “Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee,” echoes the Archangel Gabriel’s greeting to Mary. The line “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb” is from Elizabeth’s greeting. To these scriptural words, we add the petition, “Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners…”

Reflection Questions

  • How do I honor Mary in my life today, as St. Elizabeth did in hers? Do I see Mary as bringing her Son to me so that I may be closer to him?
  • How do I become more like Mary in bringing Jesus to others?
  • Am I willing to serve others like Mary, who, when she heard of St. Elizabeth’s pregnancy, went to see her, despite the hardship of travel in those days?

Third Sunday of Advent

Philippians 4:4

Brothers and sisters: Rejoice in the Lord always. I shall say it again: rejoice!

Readings for Sunday: Zephaniah, Philippians, Luke


Gaudete Sunday invites us to embrace a deeper, more profound joy than what the world typically defines as happiness. The word “Gaudete,” meaning “rejoice” in Latin, is a command, not just a suggestion. St. Paul, in his letter to the Philippians, urges us to rejoice always, emphasizing that the reason for this joy is the presence of the Lord. This call to rejoice is not about feeling happy in every moment but recognizing the true source of our joy—God Himself.

Jesus, the Son of God, became human, suffered, and died for our salvation. He offers us a share in His divine life through baptism and the Eucharist. Even when we face suffering and hardship, we are invited to unite our pain with Christ, offering it up as a way to grow in holiness and love for others.

This is the heart of redemptive suffering: finding meaning in our trials by connecting them to Christ’s ultimate sacrifice.

Furthermore, we are called to rejoice in the Lord always—not just when things are going well, but through every circumstance. Our joy is rooted in the knowledge that God is with us, and that one day He will return in glory, bringing ultimate victory. In the meantime, we are asked to live with a longing for heaven, not becoming too attached to the fleeting comforts of earthly life. Rejoice, for the Lord is near, and in His presence, we find the deepest joy and peace.

Reflection Questions

  • In your prayer, ask: How can I deepen my sense of joy in the Lord, even during times of hardship or suffering?
  • Reflect on this: What are the ways in which I experience God’s presence in my daily life, and how can I be more mindful of His nearness?
  • Consider in quiet reflection: How does the promise of Christ’s return and the victory He brings shape the way I live and rejoice each day?

Second Sunday of Advent

Matthew 3:3

Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths.

Readings for Sunday: Baruch, Philippians, Luke


John the Baptist was the last prophet of the Old Testament period and crossed over into the New Testament period as a witness to Jesus. As a prophet, he called out political leaders, but it wasn’t for a new governmental policy or program. Rather, he called one and all to repentance. Whether it was King Herod or the guy down the street, John gained his name by baptizing for the forgiveness of sins.

This world will end one day; moreover, when we die, the end has come for us. Besides, while we have a responsibility to act in the civic-political world, we cannot have a just society if we do not have just people.

What about each one of us? How just and righteous are we? Are we not sinners? What are we willing to do to be closer to Jesus and to become more like Him?

John the Baptist fulfilled the words of the prophet Isaiah: “Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths. Every valley shall be filled and every mountain and hill shall be made low. The winding roads shall be made straight, and the rough ways made smooth, and all flesh shall see the salvation of God.”

God gives us the grace we need—His power—to be transformed in Christ. Yet, we need to cooperate with grace. We can impede God’s action in our life by throwing up roadblocks, or we can remove them, preparing the way of the Lord so that His grace may change us.

Reflection Questions

  • What is impeding the action of the Holy Spirit in my life? Of what sins do I need to repent?
  • What do I choose to do with my time? Am I fostering my relationship with Jesus, or only tending to it enough to say that I know who He is?
  • What are the twisted, winding roads of my life that need to change so that I may live more fully as a disciple of Christ?

First Sunday of Advent

John 21:34

Beware that your hearts do not become drowsy

Readings for Sunday: Jeremiah, 1 Thessalonians, Luke


As we begin the season of Advent, we are reminded of what truly matters in life. While we often worry about illness, financial struggles, or the loss of loved ones, the greatest tragedy would be losing our relationship with God and facing eternal separation from Him. In today’s Gospel (Lk 21:25-28, 34-36), Jesus warns of the signs of His return, urging us to stay vigilant and not let the anxieties of daily life dull our hearts. He tells us to “stand erect and raise your heads because your redemption is at hand.” These words remind us that our ultimate hope is in Christ’s return, where all things will be made right.

Advent is a time to prepare not only for the celebration of Christ’s first coming at Christmas but also for His second coming. If we knew Jesus was returning on December 25, we would likely seek confession, spend more time in prayer, and mend relationships. Jesus calls us to be ready, to stay alert, and to avoid being overwhelmed by the distractions of life. Let us take this Advent to clear the clutter from our hearts and refocus on what truly matters: preparing for Christ’s return. May we live with urgency, so that when He comes, we are ready to stand before Him.

Reflection Questions

  • In your prayer, ask: How can I better prepare my heart this Advent to receive Christ, both at Christmas and in His second coming?
  • Reflect on this: Are there areas of my life where the anxieties of daily life have caused me to neglect my relationship with Jesus? What can I do to refocus my attention on Him?
  • Consider in quiet reflection: If I knew Jesus was returning on December 25, what changes would I make in how I spend my time, pray, or relate to others? How can I begin making those changes today?

Christ The King

John 18:37

You say I am a king. For this I was born and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.

Readings for Sunday: Daniel, Revelation, John


In today’s world, it’s often said that the quickest way to end a conversation is to bring up politics or religion. Yet, let’s address both because they reveal a deeper truth about our lives. Politics, especially in a democracy like ours, can often highlight the imperfections and injustices in human society—whether it’s the history of slavery, the denial of rights, or the current battles over life and dignity. We may see problems in our own country, but when we look to other forms of government, like communism or dictatorship, we witness even greater suffering. Despite its flaws, democracy offers a glimpse of freedom, but it is far from perfect.

This leads us to a profound question: What would a truly just ruler look like? What if there were a king who was wise, merciful, and self-sacrificial—a ruler who sought not his own good but the good of all people? This is the kind of king we find in Jesus Christ.

The reading from Daniel offers a vision of such a king: “One like a Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven,” to whom “all peoples, nations, and languages serve him.” His kingdom is everlasting, unlike the fleeting kingdoms of this world.

Jesus, fully God and fully human, is the perfect king who understands us inside and out. His reign is one of justice, mercy, and love. While we are citizens of our countries, our ultimate allegiance is to Christ the King, whose kingdom is eternal. As we reflect on the reading from Daniel, we are reminded that Christ’s kingdom is not of this world, and our hope must rest in His rule. It’s not just about what is legal, but about living under His kingship, following His example of love, and striving to live in a way that is good, holy, and pleasing to God. Through Christ’s reign, we find the path to true peace and eternal life.

Reflection Questions

  • In your prayer, ask: How can I more fully align my life with Christ’s kingship, seeking His justice and mercy in my daily actions and decisions?
  • Reflect on this: What areas of my life are still ruled by personal desires or worldly concerns, and how can I invite Christ to reign in those areas?
  • Consider in quiet reflection: In what ways do I live as a citizen of God’s eternal kingdom, and how does that perspective shape my understanding of what is truly good and holy?

Assistant Director of Music

Job Opening: Assistant Director of Music
St. James Parish, Arlington Heights, IL

St. James Parish is seeking a highly skilled Assistant Director of Music to join our vibrant and dedicated music ministry. This full-time, benefit-eligible position offers the opportunity to continue our rich tradition of excellence in sacred music and support the liturgical and choral life of our parish community.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Serve as a high-level accompanist and organist throughout the Liturgical year for our Traditional and Contemporary Adult Choirs, as well as additional concerts and liturgies as needed.
  • Collaborate with the Director of Music to plan, rehearse, and execute choral music for the parish.
  • Play a key role in preparing for major choral works. Previous larger scale offerings include such works as Brahms’ Requiem, Mozart’s Requiem, Rutter’s Requiem, among others. Rossini’s Stabat Mater (to be performed this upcoming Spring with Orchestra).
  • Accompany the parish choir and assist with the development of the music program, ensuring that it reflects the highest musical and liturgical standards.


  • Strong proficiency as an organist and accompanist, with experience in liturgical and choral settings.
  • Extensive knowledge of Roman Catholic liturgical practices and sacred music tradition.
  • Familiarity with large sacred choral works and the ability to collaborate with a variety of musicians.
  • A passion for sacred music and the ability to elevate the worship experience through thoughtful and skillful musicianship.
  • Bachelor’s degree in music or equivalent professional experience required; advanced degrees or additional certifications are a plus.


Additional Information:

  • Full-time, benefits-eligible position with competitive compensation commensurate with experience.
  • Our parish music program is known for its strong choral tradition, and our performances can be found on platforms such as Spotify and Apple Music.

This is an exciting opportunity for a talented musician with a deep understanding of sacred music and the Roman Catholic Church to make a significant impact in the life of St. James. St. James Parish is a welcoming Catholic Community whose mission is to be Disciples of Christ and to make Disciples of Christ. The Parish weekend attendance is around 3,300. We are seeking a dedicated individual who shares our commitment to upholding and advancing our longstanding musical traditions.

To apply, please submit a resume, cover letter, and references in the form below.

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Accepted file types: pdf, docx, Max. file size: 5 MB, Max. files: 2.

    33rd Sunday In Ordinary Time

    Mark 13:26-27

    And then they will see 'the Son of Man coming in the clouds' vwith great power and glory, and then he will send out the angels and gather his elect from the four winds, from the end of the earth to the end of the sky.

    Readings for Sunday: Daniel, Hebrews, Mark


    The Sunday Gospel from Mark 13:24-32 is a powerful reminder that life as we know it is temporary. Jesus tells us, “The sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light,” evoking an image of the world winding down, like the fading light at the end of a day. These words might stir unease, but Jesus doesn’t speak of the end to frighten us. Rather, He invites us to live with intention, aware that each day is a gift and an opportunity to prepare for eternity.

    As we age, we feel time’s passing more keenly. The energy and seeming endlessness of youth give way to a more sober awareness of life’s limits. Just as the days shorten in fall, we begin to recognize that one day we, too, will stand before Christ. Yet, Jesus tells us that no one knows the “day or the hour”—only the Father.

    This mystery invites us to live not in fear but in readiness, grounded in a love that outlasts everything else. Christ’s words endure when all else fades, and they anchor us in His promise of mercy and faithfulness.

    So, how do we live as people who are truly awake? Jesus calls us to be disciples, not someday in the distant future, but now. If we were to imagine that our time was running out, how would we love, forgive, and prioritize the people and practices that bring us closer to Him? We’re urged to seek His mercy, to renew our commitment to His love, and to live each day with the hope of meeting Him face-to-face. When we choose this life of faithfulness, we anchor ourselves in a truth and a love that truly never pass away.

    Reflection Questions

    • In your prayer, ask: Am I truly living with a heart open to Christ’s love and mercy, or am I distracted by the temporary things around me? How can I invite Jesus into the parts of my life where I feel distant from Him?
    • Reflect on this: If I knew today was my last day, what would I wish I had done differently in my relationships—with God, with others, and with myself? What steps can I take now to begin living that way?
    • Consider in quiet reflection: Am I spiritually prepared for the unknown? How can I live each day with a sense of purpose and readiness, trusting that my relationship with Christ will guide me through both life’s endings and new beginnings?
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