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Mark Jacks

Director of Digital Evangelization

Tell us about yourself:

I grew up in Arlington Heights, attended D25 elementary and middle schools, and graduated from Heresy High School in 2013. I went on to attend National Louis University, receiving my bachelor’s in business. After my schooling, I went to work for Spark Foundry, a large advertising agency, where I specialized in paid social media. From there, I moved on to a smaller agency, ADM, where I was an e-commerce account manager. However, I was seeking a position that was fulfilling and was advancing the kingdom of God, I found a spot at Saint James for just that. I have been coming to Saint James since I was a child, but I was a typical cradle Catholic and did not take our faith seriously. Only recently, in the past 5 years, have I began practicing, exploring, and incorporating our faith into my life. It’s been a wild ride and tons of scales falling from my eyes. I give all my thanks to Christ and His church. I am incredibly excited to be here and advance the parish further into the digital sphere. So please like, follow, subscribe, comment, share any St. James content you see!

On the personal side, I’m married to my beautiful wife Julia for a year and a half, and we have one son. In my free time, I love being with my family by going on walks, going to parks (Cantigny is one of our favorites), and just enjoying our time together and seeing Jerzy grow into a rambunctious little boy. When I’m not with my family, I enjoy reading and intaking (probably too many) podcasts, specifically Catholic ones. I recommend “Pints With Aquinas” and “Abiding Together.”

When did you start serving at St. James?

A parishioner since 1994, volunteering with Life Teen since 2019, and Director of Digital Evangelization since 2022.

Why are you passionate about serving at St. James?

My reconversion happened at Saint James, and I will never be the same person I was a short time ago. For this reason, I want to provide others that have fallen away with moments to know that truth, beauty, and goodness are found in Christ and His church, not in our professions, politics, or passions.

Contact Information
[email protected]

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