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Path To Sunday

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Nehemiah 8:10

Do not be saddened this day, for rejoicing in the LORD is your strength!

Readings for Sunday: Nehemiah, 1 Corinthians, Luke


How are you doing on your New Year’s resolutions? Here’s a suggestion for another resolution: incorporating daily Bible reading into our routines as a way to strengthen our connection with God. While it might initially seem like a daunting goal, it’s a simple yet profound way to hear His voice and grow spiritually. Many of us wish we could hear God answer our questions directly, but more often, He speaks to us through prayer and scripture. The Bible is not just a collection of ancient writings—it is God’s living Word, full of wisdom and guidance for our lives.

In this Sunday’s first reading, we hear of how the people of Israel, having returned from exile from Babylonian to the Holy Land, listen to Ezra read God’s law, meaning part of scriptures we now call the Old Testament. The people were deeply moved to point of being sorrowful for their sins. But Ezra reminds them that God’s word is to also guide them on how to live, and that in hearing God’s word, the people are to rejoice in the Lord. In the Gospel reading, we hear of how God’s word is ultimately fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ. After reading from the book of the prophet Isaiah, Jesus tells those listening in the syngague that the scripture passage is “fulfilled in your hearing.” Psalm 19 reminds us of the power of God’s Word, describing it as perfect, refreshing, and life-giving.

Historically, access to the Bible was limited, as copies were rare, and very expensive. Before the moveable type printing press was invented by Gutenberg in the 15th century, every Bible was copied by hand. Usually it was copied on to a form of animal skin such as parchment or vellum. Today, we are fortunate to have easy access to the Bible in many formats, yet it often remains untouched in our daily lives. We can even access it on our phones! Imagine the impact of dedicating just 15-20 minutes a day to scripture—perhaps by reading before bed, during a quiet moment in the morning, or even as a family before dinner. These small adjustments can make a significant difference. By engaging with God’s Word consistently, we can deepen our relationship with Him and find renewed direction and purpose in our lives.

Reflection Questions

  • In Your Prayer Ask: How often do you intentionally dedicate time to reading the Bible or engaging with scripture, and how has this influenced your spiritual growth?
  • Reflect on This: Thinking about the accessibility of the Bible today compared to its historical limitations, how can you better appreciate and utilize this resource to deepen your connection with God?
  • Consider in quiet reflection: What small changes could you make in your daily routine to incorporate regular Bible reading, such as setting aside 30 minutes or involving your family in the practice?
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