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Path To Sunday

16th Sunday In Ordinary Time

Psalm 23

"The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want."

Readings for Sunday: Jeremiah, Ephesians, Mark


Reflecting on Psalm 23, we see our relationship with God as our shepherd, providing all we need, leading us to verdant pastures and restful waters, and refreshing our souls. This imagery highlights our dual nature: like sheep, we can be both foolish and wise in our spiritual journey.

Often, we place ourselves in danger by seeking worldly distractions over spiritual nourishment. Just as sheep might stand in fast-moving waters or chase after grain meant for steers, we might indulge in sinful behavior or presume an easy path to heaven, reflecting our spiritual foolishness.

Yet, Psalm 23 reassures us that even in dark valleys, we need not fear, for the Lord is at our side, guiding us with His rod and staff.

This mirrors the intelligent side of sheep, who recognize and follow their shepherd’s guidance. Our presence in church, despite worldly distractions, shows our awareness of the need for Jesus’ guidance.

Importantly, we must let Jesus shepherd us not just abstractly but genuinely. Are we truly following Jesus? Like sheep lagging behind or wandering off, we can be snatched by wolves. To follow Jesus, we must seek holiness and root sin out of our lives. By embracing His teachings and striving for holiness, we allow the Lord to truly shepherd us. Indeed, the Lord is our shepherd; there is nothing we shall want.

Reflection Questions

  • How do I pursue worldly distractions that threaten my spiritual well-being, like sheep chasing after unhealthy grain instead of nourishing pasture?
  • How can I more actively and genuinely allow Jesus to shepherd me in my daily life, seeking holiness and rooting out sin?
  • Reflecting on Psalm 23, where do I see evidence of the Lord’s guidance and blessings in my life, and how can I respond with deeper trust and commitment to following His path?
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