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St. James Parish Mission

St. James Parish Mission
Our Lady of Guadalupe and Evangelization
Join us for a 3-night parish mission with Fr. Tim Oudenhoven, a priest from the Diocese of La Crosse, WI. Ordained in 2010, Fr. Tim’s journey with Our Lady of Guadalupe began in Mexico, capturing her image and delving into her message. Assigned to Hispanic ministry, he’s served in multiple communities over 14 years, now leading two parishes in North Central Wisconsin with a large Hispanic community. Completing a doctorate on Our Lady of Guadalupe and St. John Paul II, Fr. Tim explores Mary’s call today, emphasizing the spirituality of Marian evangelization. Let’s deepen our understanding of Mary’s influence and her teachings in our lives!
Saint James Church
7 PM
February 18
February 19
February 20
February 18 | Sunday Night
Sunday Evening Topic
I am truly the ever perfect Holy Virgin Mary.

The first night of the mission will be an overview of the history of Mary's Apparitions in Mexico and the message of her miraculous image.

February 19 | Monday Night
Monday Evening Topic
Am I not here, I who have the honor to be your Mother?

The second evening will take a deep look at Mary's words to us and their meaning both in 16th century Mexico and today.

February 20 | Tuesday Night
Tuesday Evening Topic
Do you need anything more?

The final evening will discuss insights into how St. John Paul II understood our Lady of Guadalupe leading us to Mary's call to be her messengers to our brothers and sisters in our day!

Learn about our presenter
Fr. Tim Oudenhoven

Fr. Tim Oudenhoven is a priest of the Diocese of La Crosse, WI. He was ordained on May 29, 2010 and within 3 months found himself at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico. During this first trip he was able to photograph the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe for the first time in high detail. Even more precious was his time at the basilica learning about our Lady's message. Upon returning from Mexico, Bishop Callahan assigned Fr. Tim to hispanic ministry in the Diocese. He has served in 6 different hispanic communities in his Diocese over the past 14 years and twice as a pastor. He is currently pastor of two parishes in North Central Wisconsin and a large hispanic community.

Two years ago, his Bishop gave him a 4 month sabbatical to complete his dissertation for a doctorate on Our Lady of Guadalupe and St John Paul II. From this study Fr. Tim continues to explore the message of Our Lady of Guadalupe as a spirituality of Marian evangelization.

Watch the Presentations
Evening 1
Evening 2
Evening 3
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